Tag Archive for: tax

law firm tax

Navigating Tax Deductions for Law Firms

Tax planning is an essential aspect of managing your law firm's finances. By understanding and taking advantage of available tax deductions, you can minimize your tax liability and maximize your firm's financial health. In this blog post, we'll…
Accounting Services For Lawyers

Maximizing Tax Benefits For Lawyers: 2023 Developments in Tax Law

With the multitude of recent changes in tax laws and regulations, it is more essential than ever for lawyers to stay informed and proactive in their tax planning strategies in order to have any chance at maximizing tax benefits. From choosing…
Lawyer Accountant Brooklyn

Attorneys Audit Technique Guide

The Attorneys Audit Technique Guide is a comprehensive resource from the IRS that provides a detailed overview of the audit process for lawyers – and, in our view, required reading for every attorney. It covers everything from what to expect during an audit to what information the IRS may request.
Accountant For Lawyers NY

Attorney Fee Tax Deferral Guidance From The IRS

On December 16, 2022, the IRS issued a non-precedential 25-page Generic Legal Advice Memorandum ("GLAM") offering guidance on attorney fee tax deferral. The Memorandum opines that where the opposing party’s insurance company sends the portion…
Legal Document Review Services NY

Supreme Court Debates Limits of Attorney-Client Privilege in Bitcoin Tax Return Accounting Case

In a case involving tax advice, the U.S. Supreme Court debated on the limits of the attorney-client privilege. The case, In re Grand Jury, involved a criminal investigation of an early promoter of Bitcoin who expatriated from the US in early…
Law Accountant NY

Attorney’s Tax Misconduct Results In Multi-Year Suspension.

In a case addressing an attorney's tax misconduct, Matter of Seedorf, the Appellate Division disciplined an attorney based upon a federal conviction for tax evasion. The attorney admitted that from 2009 to 2019, he intentionally evaded payment…
Law Accountant NY

Are Associate Bonuses “Wages”?

A Brief History Of Associate Bonuses The history of bonus payments to associates at law firms is a tale of ups and downs, twists and turns, and a whole lot of debate. It began in the 1980s, when a select few elite law firms started doling…
Accounting Services For Lawyers NY

Navigating the Complex World of Law Firm Tax Regulations: How Lawyers Are Adapting to an Evolving Landscape

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which brought about a host of changes that have affected lawyers in a number of ways.